Friday, March 4, 2011

Flick Fishing

The other day my niece wanted to play Flick Fishing on my iPhone. So I tapped on the games icon to start the game for her. When she started playing, there was no sound. Which was not a normal thing to happen since usually when you cast the line "virtually" you can actually hear the sound of the reel.

Jadi Mak Long pun mulalah menggodek-godek telefon bimbit yang sungguh canggih-manggih sampai tak terkeluar pun apa-apa bunyi. Switch off. Switch on. Go to Settings. Bega-bega volume. Vibrate on. Vibrate off. Delete game Flick Fishing tersebut dan download kembali dari App Store. Nasib baik free.

But to no avail. So the last resort was to call the DIGI centre to inform them of my predicament. And perhaps get a new iPhone to replace this faulty one. (yeah right)

Throughout the whole process Aina just observed me. And then before I could call the helpline, she put up her hand and said, "Mak Long I think you need to switch off the mute button."

Err. Oh.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Last Saturday I woke up with a big zit on my chin. And I needed a quick remedy to at least lessen the redness. And I remembered someone telling me that toothpaste helped reduce the swelling.

That morning went in a blur. Wake up, shampoo hair, get ready for muay thai class but most of all going about searching for my boxing gloves and wraps that mysteriously did a disappearing act.

Keluar dari rumah cepat-cepat sebab sudah terlambat dan on the way terpaksa berhenti di 7-11 terdekat untuk membeli mentos. Terpaksa sebab tiba-tiba teringat mentos yg berinti jam stroberi dan lemon lantas mahu tidak mahu terpaksa berhenti di kedai tersebut dan-dan tu jugak.

Masa nak bayar, adik tu menegur tahi lalat saya yang sungguh besar. Masa tegur tu dia senyum lebar.

Bila saya kembali ke kereta, saya melihat muka di cermin bekas bedak kompak saya.

I had forgotten to wipe off the big splotch of toothpaste on my chin.

Itu la eksen kemain bedak kompak tak nak kalah beli jenama mac tapi ubat jerawat tempek colgate. Padan muka. :-))))

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