Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I just got to know that my training at the Naval Base in Lumut got cancelled. Kaciwa! My fantasy of seeing a class full of men in white uniform habis punah. Down the drain. Yes we chicks dig men in uniform. I'm sure all of us do. Cuma ada yang tak nak cakap je. Setakat senyum sorang-sorang bila tengok NCIS atau JAG.

Another reason why I think the Malaysian Navy is uber cool:

Their elite Paskal squad team members wear hot pink berets. Yes. Pink. Mereka lelaki yang mempunyai keyakinan diri yang cukup kental. Gagah berani tidak takut mati and yet so in touch with their feminine side.

So now that the Navy men are no longer in the picture, I would need to find a substitute. Apakah badan beruniform lain yang rasa-rasanya OK dan setanding dengan kesegakan abang-abang TLDM? TUDM? Tentera Darat (tapi baju depa warna hijau celoreng macam tak hensem je?)?

Ataupun PBSM? Uniform putih juga kan?

Dan ahli silat? Cukup gagah perkasa tak? :-)