Monday, April 23, 2012

Macam pernah ku dengar...tapi bila ye?

My mom said I was a very shy girl as a kid. It was (and still is) difficult for me to express certain feelings. Or be direct. Kalau nak sesuatu tu mesti kena konar-konar sikit and my parents would have to conclude themselves what it was that I wanted.

For example:
1) "Hari Ahad zoo bukak tak Ma?" (read: I want to go to the zoo)
2) (as my dad drove past A&W Taman Jaya) "Along lapar la Ma." (read: I want to eat at A&W)
3) "Bestnya kalau dapat tengok binatang batu tu kan Pa?" (read: I want to go to Mimaland)

So yesterday I went to One Utama with my niece untuk menghiburkan hatinya. And take her to Get Crafty for her art n craft fix. After that we had lunch and went to MPH to read and buy some books. Then I suggested we go home since we had done basically everything that we had planned to do.

"Are we going home now?"
"Yes. Kan dah pegi Get Crafty, dah makan, dah beli buku?"
"Aina haus la Mak Long."
"OK nanti sampai rumah kita minum air suam."
"But I'm thirsty now."
*Sigh* "OK. Jom kita pegi beli air mineral botol kecik tu."

Sambil berjalan-jalan mencari kedai yang menjual air mineral...

"Mak Long! Mak Long!"
"Kita pergi minum air suam kat tempat yang ada jual aiskrim k?"


P/S: For those of you who are too young to have experienced the joys and excitement of running around in Mimaland, silalah Google Map kot-kot ada lagi.


  1. oh yeah, i remember mimaland :) but go to this link and see what's become of mimaland :(
