Monday, May 10, 2010

Last minute attempt

All the lecturers in MFI are now in the midst of marking their students' answer scripts. The deadline for keying in the marks is looming near. Oleh itu perintah berkurung berkuatkuasa bermula hari ini sehinggalah tamat penandaan semua kertas jawapan peperiksaan. My self-imposed one, of course.

So far I have gone through half the pile. So far so good. Nothing unusual. The bell curve is shaping itself nicely indeed.

The only small difference is that this semester I have one student who slipped in a little note to me.
"Madame, sorry kalau exam saya teruk. Saya dah tak boleh masuk dah masa revise. Madame kesian la kat saya. Ingatlah waktu-waktu kelakar dalam kelas."


(5 minit kemudian)


Alang-alang awak nak mintak markah kesian, apa pasal awak tak tabur bedak Amami atas kertas tu kasi wangi? Senang sikit hati saya bila baca.

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  1. That is so funny... baca entry ni buat I teringat kat paper paper yang pernah I tanda.

  2. hafez: students ni macam-macam perangai dan akalnya :)
