Thursday, October 4, 2012

A little less conversation (is sometimes better)

Some time ago a friend of mine told me that he wanted to introduce me to a guy pal of his. "Just to get you to meet new people, don't see this as a blind date or anything la ok Yati." , he said. I was a bit skeptical. Hmmmm kata saya dalam hati.

Then a few days ago I met this same friend in a bank. He was sitting there waiting for his turn. There was another guy sitting beside him. Who turned out to be the person he wanted to introduce me to. So I sat with them and chatted for a bit. His name was A (the blind date potential.)

A talked quite a bit, telling me about himself and stuff he did. He was saving up to go to New Zealand. To absorb the culture, he enthused. I found this part of the conversation highly interesting as I have never been there. And since I couldn't add more to the topic, I just mentioned that I admired my Kiwi friends for embracing the Maori culture. Even the Mat Salehs know the Haka.

To which he replied, "Oh the Kiwis can speak Chinese ye?"

Dude, it's Haka with a single k, not double.

OK, striking off A. I'm now looking for B or C. Anyone?

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