Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dragging my tired feet back to Muayfit

This afternoon I have a Muay Thai session with my super cool instructor. Seorang adik yang comel dan selalu tersenyum dan sentiasa cuba melayan kerenah akak yang tidak berapa cukup nafas untuk ber jab-hook-elbow-sucker punch. Apatah lagi untuk membuat round house kick segala. For the past two weeks I have been busy with exams and invigilation and marking so all this exercise thingy was kind of put on hold (the biggest excuse I could give so far). Tapi hari ini sudah tak ada alasan lagi. Jadi saya perlu memikirkan cara-cara untuk melembutkan sedikit hati instructor saya agar tidak terlalu menyiksa saya nanti.

Antara strateginya adalah:

1-Memberikannya pujian melambung terhadap paras rupa dan etika kerjanya yang sungguh profesional (seperti yang telah saya lakukan di awal blog posting ini).
2- Mengajaknya pergi minum dahulu sebelum kelas bermula.
3-Semasa sedang minum pagi bersama, saya akan menceritakan kepadanya betapa saya teramat sibuk dengan urusan kerjaya sehingga tiada berkesempatan untuk bersenam, dengan harapan kami boleh rilek-rilek sedikit semasa berlatih Muay Thai fitness.
4-Berharap dan berdoa agar strategi #3 tidak akan backfire.

In any case, should everything else fails, I will revert to my emergency secret tactic: Strategi Pengsan. The only risk is that it has been done before and he might not buy it the second time around.

Well good luck to me.

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Friday, November 19, 2010


During one of the exams that I invigilated the students were provided with a photocopy of a derivations table to help them with their calculation. So before the exam started I told them that they have one extra document besides their question paper and answer booklet. That they were not allowed to bring back home with them.

At the end of the exam I reminded them once again.

"You can only take your question paper with you. Please leave your answer script and the table for the invigilators to collect."

Then one of the kids whispered to his neighbour, "Weh ada yang pernah bawak keluar meja lepas? Mangkuk betul."


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Monday, November 15, 2010


-Mak Long, I want to go to Africa. I want to go to the safari.
-Oh, okay. But it's very hot over there.
-I know. So I have to bring a special jacket. I can put ice in it. So I will be cold.
-Hmmm. But the ice will melt.

Beberapa saat kemudian.

-Mak Long, I have to bring along a fridge. To make ice.
-Hmmm. Ok.

Beberapa saat kemudian.

-Mak Long, kat safari ada letrik tak?

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