Thursday, November 27, 2014


Yesterday during class we did some grammar and while the students were doing the exercises I gave them, I took the opportunity to chat a little with them to know more about them.

Most of them were SPM leavers from either TI or SMV.
Most of them are staying outside. Not at the hostel anymore.
Most of them took the course because their parents thought it was the best choice for them.

Then it was time for them to write their answers on the board. Semua berebut-rebut nak pilih soalan yang paling senang nak jawab. Padahal sama je tahap kesukarannya ie sangat senang.

Dalam kesibukan dan kebisingan semua budak-budak lelaki ni di depan papan putih kelas, tiba-tiba kelihatan seorang pelajar datang menghampiri saya dan bertanya saya dengan suara hampir berbisik: "Madame...can I ask you a very very private question?"

Ah sudah. Soalan apa yang very very private ni?

Soalan kenapa saya selalu cakap Anuar Zain bopren saya? (Kenapa, tak percaya?)
Soalan kenapa saya ada radio warna pink?
Soalan apa jenama tuala wanita kegemaran saya?

"Errr...yes go ahead and ask away."

The student looks to his right and left. Bila dia betul-betul puas hati yang tiada siapa yang sedang mendengar, dia bertanya lagi:

"Macamana Madame boleh tinggi sangat?"

Ohhhh...soalan ITU ke.

"Well...I think it's because maybe I have exceeded my genetic potential.''

*krik krik*

*krik krik*

"Madame can I ask you another question?"
"Of course."

"Madame...betul ke kalau makan kacang panjang boleh jadi tinggi?"

Aku debik ko kang.

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