Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Masa puasa boleh cerita pasal telur tak?

Di satu awal pagi yang hening, setelah selesai bersahur, saya dan anak buah saya berehat-rehat di atas sofa. Bak kata bapak saya "melenggang perut" sambil menikmati Nescafe dan kuih tat restoran Santai yang sungguh sedap itu. Saya seorang sahaja yang minum Nescafe; anak buah saya hanya duduk di atas riba saya dan melayan saya berborak. Pada waktu yang sama keempat-empat kucing kami juga bergelimpangan di sudut kegemaran masing-masing di ruang tamu.

One of the cats that we have is a mixed breed. Half Persian and half local. His name is Momoi. He is a handsome semi long-haired ginger cat yang berhidung mancung (as opposed to the hidung penyets of the true Persian breed). I want the long fur and body of a Persian but without the having to go through the hassle of cleaning the nose and eyes every day). To get a bit of the pedigree qualities but adapting it to the local preferences. Bukankah itu sebahagian daripada ciri-ciri konsep "glokal" yang sering diwar-warkan oleh DSNTR?

So as we were happily chatting away and munching on the delicious tarts, we watched Momoi cleaning himself. He had his back to us, sitting on the floor and licking his paws. My niece looked at him at laughed.

-Kenapa Aina gelak?
-Tengok la Momoi tu. Comel sangat. Dari sini nampak dia macam telur.
-Ohhh. OK. Ya la from here he looks like one.
-Heheheh funny la Momoi ni. Kadang-kadang macam karipap, kadang-kadang macam telur.
-Aina sayang tak Momoi?
-Sayang sangat. Look Mak Long. He's so funny. Macam telur berbulu.

Then she asked me the million dollar question:

-Sebelum ni Mak Long pernah tak tengok telur berbulu?


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  1. hahaha.. i snorted at the question tie.. nak tahu apa jawapan u..

  2. adehh..sampai kuar air mata...haha

  3. haha... senak perut baca, dah la tengah melenggang perut lepas berbuka ni... aduhaiii!

  4. well..?! what was your answer Mak Long..?! ;-)

  5. know what guys? i took the "chicken" way out and tukar topik! :D
