Monday, January 14, 2013

Hijabista yang tak bervista

A few days ago I decided to try out a new way of wearing the hijab. You know the style that demands wrapping the selendang around your head with the use of several brooches or pins to keep it in place (the selendang on the head, not the head on the neck). I saw several friends donning it this way and I said to myself it shouldn't be a difficult ting to do. Bah! Lain kali kalau nak ke tempat kerja pukul 8 saya perlu bangun pukul 4.30 pagi. Aktiviti melilit ini bukanlah untuk pemakai amatur seperti saya.

Well anyway on that day during lunch time I went to a furniture shop to have a look at some shoe racks and cabinets. Which I still haven't bought and ought to. Then while browsing around the shop I got a call from a friend I haven't seen for quite some time asking me out for lunch. I was so happy and agreed immediately. I got into my car and drove off to the place of rendez-vous.

On the way on this particular road there was a police road block. I was thinking maybe there was an escaped convict from Penjara Kajang and now everyone is on the manhunt for this pembunuh bersiri. But as I got closer I was flagged down and pulled to the side. Oh. Akukah pembunuh bersiri tersebut?

I opened the car door and asked the policeman what was wrong with my car (hari tu selepas kereta saya dihempap pokok saya cat kereta putih dan tak beritahu pihak JPJ lagi lantas saya berasa agak cemas). 

He said: "Akak tak pakai seat belt."

And it dawned upon me that in my super excitement to see my friend I had just started the car and driven off like some mad crazy woman. And didn't put on my seat belt not because I don't make it a habit to (sayalah orang paling skema sekali dalam bab-bab pemakaian tali pinggang keledar ini, sehinggakan kalau nak drive dari blok A ke blok D di MFI ini pun saya akan mengenakannya) BUT because of the lilitan selendang around me that made me a little confused and made me think that I had put it on.


He said to me: "Kak mintak lesen kak."

I handed it to him.

He told me: "Kak ini kad Bank Islam."

Double Urgh.

Then he walked around the car and let me off.

"Lain kali pakai seat belt ye kak."
"Ye bang." and blew him a kiss.


"Baik Encik. Terima kasih. Assalamualaikum."
Pakai seat belt. Memandu secara berhemah.

Ada beberapa kemungkinan mengapa saya dilepaskan begitu sahaja oleh abang polis tersebut:
1) Dia kesian tengok kereta saya yang sudah uzur dan rickety.
2) Dia nampak pelekat UniKL MFI dan bagi chance sebab saya cikgu.
3) Dia tengok lilitan tudung ala Hana Tajima saya lebih mirip Hana Tercekik dan mahu saya bergegas ke tandas berdekatan untuk membetulkannya.
4) Dia memang chop saya makcik blur yang bila diminta lesen memandu memberi kad ATM Bank Islam.

Well anyway, en tout cas, merci beaucoup monsieur le policier! I love you lah! :)

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