Thursday, August 5, 2010

Atan buat hal lagi

Last Tuesday on the way to work my car died on me. Well, not really. The engine was still running but when I pressed on the accelerator it just wouldn't move. So I slowly swerved to the side and stopped the car. I put the gear into Neutral. Waited for a while. Then changed it back to Drive. Didn't move. Then switched it to Reverse. Nothing.

A few phone calls later and I was alone waiting for help. Again. Dah dua kali Atan buat hal (panggilan manja kepada kereta ku bila ia meragam. Bila dia OK saya memanggilnya Betty). The first time was last Friday. At that time sudah keluar tanda-tanda kecil keretaku perlu ditukar. Kali ini mungkin sudah muncul tanda besar kot.

Tapi seperti biasa sempat jugalah saya ber FB memberi status update terkini dan meminta tolong sesiapa memberitahu para pelajar yang saya terpaksa membatalkan kelas. Menurut laporan yang diterima, mereka meloncat-loncat kegirangan.

A few minutes had passed when I saw a PLUS Peronda truck stop behind me. One of them came out and walked towards Atan. Whoa. Tinggi. Pakai Rayban. Pakai uniform. Muka serius. At that moment I imagined him strutting in slo mo. Alaaa gaya-gaya robot terminator jahat yang pakai unform polis dan kuat lari tu kan?

He looked at my car and asked me what happened. I was just about to explain everything when my girlfriend arrived with two mechanics. So tengok-tengok-godek-godek and initial diagnosis was that it could be a gearbox problem. So abang polis Peronda PLUS had to tow my car slowly to the nearest toll (Bangi) before it could get towed to the workshop.

Semasa berada di dalam kereta saya semasa kereta saya ditarik, macam-macam nasihat yang diberikan kepada saya (one of them drove the truck and the other drove my car). Lega saya. Muka mereka berdua nampak sangat serius akan tetapi mereka peramah juga rupanya. Mungkin tadi muka berkerut sebab cuaca di luar agak panas.

Setibanya di tol Bangi, mereka menarik kereta saya ke tepi. Sebelum cakap babai saya terfikir untuk mengambil gambar bersama dua abang polis tinggi ini. Hero-hero lebuhraya yang telah menolong saya disaat memerlukan. Saya membuka mulut dan berkata "Encik!". Kedua-dua menoleh ke arah saya. Muka mereka nampak garang semula.

"Errr..terima kasih ya."

Aku gugup!

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