Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lawatan ke kilang Denso

Yesterday I had an appointment to visit an MFI student who was doing her industrial training in Denso at 10am. By 9.30 I had already driven into the factory compound and parked near the security booth to register myself. Sambil merasa kagum dengan diri sendiri kerana sampai begitu awal sekali.

At the pondok pak guard I told the man that I was there to see my student and gave him her name. He called in to check dan beberapa saat kemudian muka dia berkerut. Then he asked me if I knew anyone working there in the factory. So I gave him the name of the HR person. Lagi dia buat muka pelik. I started to feel annoyed. Kenapa pakcik ni semua orang dia tak kenal. Cubalah update sikit senarai staf beserta nombor extension tu boleh tak? Daripada duduk-duduk melenggang perut tak buat apa-apa.

And then he looked at me again and asked me one more time, "Akak sebenarnya nak jumpa siapa?"

Dan saya terpaksa menjawab sekali lagi, "Saya ni datang nak melawat pelajar MFI yang buat latihan industri kat kilang Denso ni."

Kemudian terdengar suara seorang pekerja kilang tersebut yang lalu di belakang saya berkata, "Kak Long ni kilang Sony."

Oh. Kilang Denso terletak bersebelahan rupanya.

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  1. ha ha ha..Auntie, you never failed to make my day..

    p/s: ntah hapa mimpi I, tengahari tadi when I took my nap - I dreamt of all the Rohani's clan..**gasps**

  2. hehehe.. pintu sebelah rupanya..

    ehh ti.. u ajar apa ekk sebenarnya??

  3. aisey Tie... when i read you post on how do you mend a broken heart, jadi agak risau kot your writing will be affected, obviously not... anda berjaya membuat saya tersenyum walaupun hari ini hari saya agak &^^%$$#$^&^&..... thank you madame!

  4. Zaza: I'm sure the dream was in wide angle. Family kita kan besar :)

    attiesya: Beb saya ajar Bahasa Perancis daa :)

    hannah: Thanks.

    iamwhoiam: sekejap je wallowing in self pity tu...not good for the soul :)
